Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2nd e-Post

How can policies of your government either contribute or help to reduce the problem of global warming?
Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing temperature on the earth’s surface. One of the causes of it is the increase in the amount of greenhouse gases on Earth, which trap the sun’s heat. The main contributor of greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide, which has increased evidently since industrialization and urbanization due to high consumption of resources and deforestation. Hence, in order to tackle the problem of global warming, the Singapore government has come up with policies which promote recycling, energy efficiency and use of clean energy.
Firstly, recycling prevents further consumption of resources and also decreases the amount of waste generated. The consumption of natural resources, such as fossil fuels, for productions has exhausted high amount of greenhouse gases and pollutants into the atmosphere, while a large amount of trees in Amazon rainforest are cut down every day to satisfy the demand of people on materials like wood and paper. The alarming rate of deforestation has affected the conversion rate of carbon dioxide to oxygen on Earth greatly. This, coupled with increasing emission of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, has led to the sharp jump in the amount of greenhouse gases on Earth over the years. In addition, recycling helps to reduce the waste which Singaporeans generate every day. The waste are either burnt in incinerators or dumped into landfill sites, which creates environmental damages, such as emitting more greenhouse gases. The landfill disposal method even adds on to the land constrain problem in Singapore. Over the decades, there is an increase in environmental consciousness among Singaporeans through education, media and campaigns. Currently in Singapore, 54% of the waste is recycled. This has helped to reduce the amount of waste generated and in turn decrease the amount of greenhouse gases produced in the process of disposing the waste.
Next, energy efficiency is a practical and cost-effective way of counteracting carbon emission while sustaining economic development. With lesser energy consumed, we can expect a drop in fossil fuel burning required in order to sustain the everyday needs of the people in Singapore. Recently, a Grant for Energy Efficient Technologies (GREET) has been earmarked to assist corporations in achieving energy saving. Since the majority of the energy usage is from industries and companies, such a move can decrease the amount of energy wasted significantly and in turn reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that is given out during the process.
Last but not least, Singapore government also promotes the usage of clean energy. Although clean energy cannot fully replace the current energy sources yet, it can reduce our reliance on fossil fuels imports and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. In the near future, clean energy will definitely capable in sustaining some of Singapore’s energy demands at a more affordable price with the world’s largest solar energy plant to be built in Singapore, coupling with more researches and developments in this field.
In conclusion, through recycling, reducing in energy consumption and promoting usage of clean energy, the Singapore government can help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted. These, in turn, contribute in mitigating the problem of global warming.

1 comment:

  1. It is me with my humble feedbacks again!

    1. Well done! You have lots of examples in your essay.

    2. You may consider cutting short your sentences rather than joining them together.

    3. High (large) amount of greenhouse gases

    4. Last but not least, Singapore government (should) also promote the usage of clean energy.

    5. In the near future, clean energy will definitely (be) capable

    6. , the(no need the) Singapore government
